Enrol in a class
Please note:
- Manners Training and Agility Foundations each run six weeks, with the date listed as the first night of six.
- Please note the start times carefully.
- These classes run concurrently, so please ensure you do not select two classes that are at the same time.
- It’s important that you take our classes in the order they are intended. We want you to succeed, so if you are wanting to learn agility, please ensure you have completed Manners Training (or equivalent elsewhere) first.
- If you wish to book more than one dog, please make multiple bookings – the places are limited by dog, not by handler. Select either a Double or Family Membership for multiple dogs, and calculate it once along with the course fee per dog (e.g. two dogs with a Family membership will be $120 for the course and $40 for the membership).
- Please note that if you are booking more than one dog, you must have one handler per dog. Use the other handler’s details for the second dog, but to match the bookings together, add all names under the one membership in the box provided on the booking form.
- Memberships are annual and begin in January each year.